Criminal Lawyer Mississauga

Facing an criminal charges can be overwhelming. At Kahlon Law, we have defended hundreds of criminal cases. Our firm has the knowledge and skills to get you the results you need. 

Notable Wins

Discover Kahlon Law’s remarkable successes in past cases, showcasing our experience to achieving favorable outcomes for our clients

Sexual Assault x2 & Extortion

R. v. C, K

Charges were dismissed following a five-day trial. At trial, counsel challenged the evidence of the complainant, highlighting issues with her credibility along with a motivation to fabricate. The client provided a false statement to the police. Despite this damaging piece of evidence, the client testified and gave an explanation that the judge accepted. As a result, the client was ultimately found not guilty of all charges.

Possession of a Loaded Firearm

R. v. S, A

During a traffic stop, officers approached the vehicle occupied by our client and noticed a marijuana odor, prompting them to conduct a search that uncovered a loaded gun in the trunk. The defence strategy centered around disputing any evidence of possession, knowledge, or awareness of it being loaded. The Judge presiding over the two-day preliminary hearing concurred, dismissing all charges

What Our Clients Say

Discover what clients are saying about their experiences with Kahlon Law. Read testimonials from individuals who have benefited from our legal representation and compassionate support.

Legal Experience

Explore real-life assault case scenarios ranging from simple assault to assault aggravated assault. Gain insights into various legal charges and their implications.

At Kahlon Law, our methodology is individualized and tactical, crafted solely for your defence and to champion the most favorable resolution. Our track record speaks volumes, with numerous criminal charges resulting in dismissal or other favourable resolutions. This success stems from our meticulous preparation, aggressive advocacy, and deep understanding of both law and local court procedures. 

The accessibility of our criminal lawyer is fundamental pillar of our service. We understand that legal dilemmas do not adhere to conventional business schedules, hence our lawyer is here to assist you whenever the need arises.

Commitment to You

At Kahlon Law, we prioritize your needs above all else. With unwavering dedication and personalized attention, we strive to exceed your expectations. Trust us to advocate fiercely on your behalf and secure the justice you deserve.

Over a Thousand Victories

At Kahlon Law, our dedication is reflected in our impressive track record of over 1,000 cases resulting in complete dismissals or significantly reduced charges. We use our knowledge to craft innovative defence strategies tailored to your specific case.

Always Accessible

Understanding that legal battles don’t adhere to a 9-to-5 schedule, we at Kahlon Law make ourselves available around the clock. We ensure you're supported at every stage of your case with regular updates and transparent communication.

Aggressive Advocacy

When you hire us, you’re not just getting a lawyer; you’re getting a dedicated advocate who will fight tirelessly for your rights. We leave no stone unturned in pursuit of the best possible outcome for your case.

Local Advantage

Based in Mississauga, Ontario, we are intimately familiar with the local courts, judges, and legal processes in greater Toronto area. This local advantage allows us to navigate your case more effectively.

Cost-Effective Representation

Our commitment to justice is not hindered by your financial situation. Kahlon Law offers transparent, flat-rate fees with no hidden costs, complemented by flexible payment plans to ensure our exceptional legal services are accessible to all.

Client-Centered Approach

At Kahlon Law, our client-centered approach sets us apart. We prioritize your needs, offering compassionate support and personalized attention every step of the way. With us, you're not just a case number—you're a valued partner in achieving justice.

Answers to Your Questions

Explore answers to common questions regarding legal processes, rights, and procedures. Get clarity on your concerns with our comprehensive FAQ.

What is the court process for defending criminal charges?

Following your release the court process starts even before the first court appearance. The criminal lawyer will request disclosure which involves prosecution providing all relevant pieces of evidence and information regarding the case to defence.

After that, there is a Crown Pre-Trial (CPT) whereby the defence lawyer meets with prosecutors to discuss details of the case, possible solutions or trial issues. This is then followed by Judicial Pre-Trial (JPT), which entails a judge discussing similar issues as well as giving his/her input on the case.

Lastly is the trial or resolution. Here, depending on circumstances and discussions had during pre-trial phases, it could either end up going for a trial where evidence will be presented, and judgment passed or the matter will be resolved through other mechanisms such as withdrawal of charges or other form of resolution. 

What should I do if the police call me for a criminal investigation?

If the police have called you in for a criminal investigation, your first step should be to contact a lawyer. An experienced criminal lawyer in Mississauga will reach out to the police on your behalf to discern their intentions—whether they plan to arrest you or are simply calling you in for information. Your lawyer can also arrange for a voluntary surrender if necessary, and work towards securing your release.

Remember that your right to remain silent is paramount and serves as a key safeguard in preserving your legal defence. 

What takes place at the first court apperance?

The first court appearance is administrative in nature. Much of the work in a criminal matter occurs outside of court appearances through procedures such as crown pre-trials and judicial pre-trials.

Following the first appearance in court, a criminal case in Brampton is typically adjourned for  12 weeks. This adjournment is not a standstill period; rather, it will involve receiving disclosure, conducting a crown pre-trial and if needed a judicial pre-trial. 

Can criminal charges be withdrawn without going to trial?

The severity of the charge and the evidence play a crucial role in determining whether criminal charges can be withdrawn before trial. Other relevant factors include the accused’s criminal history, the impact on the victim, and potential legal issues with the case. In Peel Region, the Crown can decide to withdraw charges if they believe there is no reasonable prospect of conviction or if continuing with the prosecution is not in the public interest. 

This decision is made on a case-by-case basis, and it is here that the experience of a criminal lawyer can be pivotal, potentially turning the tide in your favor.

How long does it take for to resolve a typical case?

The timeline for a criminal case headed toward resolution will be shorter than a matter proceeding toward trial. Generally, if the matter is resolvable, a resolution may be reached in approximately six months. 

Delays in criminal cases often stem from awaiting disclosure from the Crown. Once obtained, the case typically progresses at a faster pace.

We understand the urgency and the impact of the delay. Our criminal lawyer is committed to pushing for timely disclosure and moving your file forward as quickly as the justice system allows. 

Seeking An Experienced Lawyer? Call Antar!

Seeking guidance through legal challenges? Turn to our experience. Let us navigate the complexities together and find solutions tailored to your case.